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Oct 30, 2011

Buy you a casket

1: I just wanted to say: I love you!

2: Oh babe. I love you too. So much.
2: If I could, I'd buy you a casket.
2: Gah! A castle! Damn auto correct. Way to ruin a moment.
2: I definitely do not want you in a casket.
2: Hello?

Oct 20, 2011

Send fleas to the funeral

1: Centenary Methodist Saturday at 10am is Thoms Mothers Funeral. Her name is ****.

2: Do you want us to send fleas to the funeral. Or something to tom's house

1: I don't think he would appreciate fleas

Oct 10, 2011

I'm having a baby right now

1: I'm having a baby right now
1: Got damn spell check!!!
1: I'm having a beer right now

2: Lmao